Online media, US
- travel articles, including an extensive series on Transylvania
- content also featured on Reuters Business Traveller, UK
Acuris, UK
- Germany stringer, Hungary stringer, US municipal debt stringer, content editor
Other credits:
Wanderfly, Oregon Poetic Voices, ArmaVirumque, Fusebox,,, Four and Twenty, Unlikely Stories, Feelings of the Heart, KenArnoldBooks Newsletter,, Uniquely Tea, Oxbridge NW Newsletter, A Quiet Tea Spot, Brazen Careerist, Bigelow Tea Blog, If music be the food of love...., Languagehat, Clevelandpoetics Yahoo! Group, Scribd (all US)
Nth Position, Brindin Press Online, Aabye’s Baby, Jacobyte Books, T.S. Review, The Clock’s Loneliness, Expose'd (all UK)
3:AM Magazine (France), Poetry International Web (Netherlands), Pestiside (Hungary), Mokus Pokus (Hungary), Patchword (Spain), Lyrikline (Germany), International Forum for Literature and Art (Germany), Hungarian Literature Online (Hungary), Poetic Principle festival website (Hungary/Germany), Journalism Online (India), Xpatloop (Hungary), Meus Poemas Favoritos (Brazil), Maria Madalena (Brazil), Poem of the Day (Russia), Haiku Hacks (international), (Hungary), LiveBudapest (Hungary), Irodalom - International Literary Forum (Hungary), (Hungary), (Hungary), Gerloblog (Hungary), Fedél Nélkül (Hungary), Phantom Verse and Free (Canada), Ars Poetica (Slovakia), Babelmatrix (Hungary), Cezar's Blog (France), Marilyn Thoughts (Romania), Memory Green (Hungary), Hunlit (Hungary), Poesía de Mujeres (Spain), Sol 2010 (Brazil)