Consumed, KenArnoldBooks, US
Bald Ambition, privately published
Angels and Astronauts, National Poetry Foundation, UK
Angels and Astronauts, National Poetry Foundation, UK
Ghost Town Poetry Volume Two, Printed Matter Vancouver, US
Ljubljana Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland
Bucharest Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland
Ljubljana Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland
Bucharest Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland
Heart Pour, Poet Plant Press, US
Katarzis, Summa Artium, Hungary
This Island City, Tongues and Grooves, UK
European Romanticism, Continuum, US
winner of 2010 Jean-Pierre Barricelli Book Prize
New Order, Arc Publications, UK
Katarzis, Summa Artium, Hungary
This Island City, Tongues and Grooves, UK
European Romanticism, Continuum, US
winner of 2010 Jean-Pierre Barricelli Book Prize
New Order, Arc Publications, UK
Say Forty! Stick 'Em Up Shorty, Pooka Press, Canada
Employees Only, Poet Plant Press, US
Budapest Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland
Budapest Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland
Tiresias's Confession, Corvina, Hungary
Emerging Romania 2007, Oxford Business Group, Turkey
My Time, Poet Plant Press, US
Emerging Ukraine 2006, Oxford Business Group, Turkey
Visible Cities Budapest, Blue Guides, UK
The Poetic Principle, Mind Print, Hungary
The Book of Hopes and Dreams, Bluechrome Publishing, UK
The Book of Hopes and Dreams, Bluechrome Publishing, UK
Poles Apart? Eastern European Attitudes to Healthcare Reform, Stockholm
Poles Apart? Eastern European Attitudes to Healthcare Reform, Stockholm
Network, UK
Future Welcome, DC Books, Canada
36 Degrees of Fever, Ráday Könyvesház, Hungary
Future Welcome, DC Books, Canada
36 Degrees of Fever, Ráday Könyvesház, Hungary
Report on the Private Support for the Arts in Hungary, Summa Artium, Hungary
Kiss and Part, Poetic Vision Press, US
Sea and Land in Poetic Harmony, Literary Taiwan Foundation, Taiwan
In Our Own Words vol. 6, MW Enterprises, US
Kiss and Part, Poetic Vision Press, US
Sea and Land in Poetic Harmony, Literary Taiwan Foundation, Taiwan
In Our Own Words vol. 6, MW Enterprises, US
The State of the Union: Market-Oriented Reform in the EU in 2004, Stockholm
Network, UK
A Fine Line, Arc Publications, UK
An Island of Sound, Harvill Press, UK
Report on the Private Sponsorship of the Arts, Summa Artium, Hungary
Dialogue Through Poetry 2003, Rattapallax Press, US
Hide and Seek, József Attila kör, Hungary
Dialogue Through Poetry 2003, Rattapallax Press, US
Hide and Seek, József Attila kör, Hungary
Eternal Calendar, Baltazár Theater Foundation, Hungary
Emerging Romania 2003, Oxford Business Group, Turkey
Emerging Romania 2003, Oxford Business Group, Turkey
In Quest of the Miracle Stag vol. 2, Atlantis-Centaur/Tertia, US/Hungary
ELT Guide, UK
Short Fuse, Rattapallax Press, US
The Golden Wings, Cyberwit, India
Southern Skies, Pipers’ Ash, UK
Short Fuse, Rattapallax Press, US
The Golden Wings, Cyberwit, India
Southern Skies, Pipers’ Ash, UK
In Our Own Words vol. 3, MW Enterprises, US
Feelings of the Holidays, FOTH, US
Poetry 2000, Robson Books, UK
Poetry 2000, Robson Books, UK
In Our Own Words vol. 2, MW Enterprises, US
In Our Own Words vol. 2, MW Enterprises, US
Disasters in the Kitchen, Wendy Webb Books, UK
The Sonnet at the Millennium, Open University Shakespeare Society, UK
Ripley Poetry Association Competition anthology, UK
Poetry as a Foreign Language, White Adder Press, UK
Poetry as a Foreign Language, White Adder Press, UK
Cantio Nocturna Peregrini Aviumque, Atlantis-Centaur/Tertia, US/Hungary
Experiment in Romanian Art since 1960, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Romania
Experiment in Romanian Art since 1960, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Romania
Co-editor or copy-editor:
Esmeralda's Rainbows, Kalligram, Hungary/Slovakia
Equity Central Europe, New World Publishing, Hungary
Equity Central Europe, New World Publishing, Hungary
A Traveller's Compendium of Romanian History, European Cultural Centre,